Topic: PCHP Chat
Date | 21/02/2015 |
By | JackBow |
Subject | Re: DH Plus |
I can send Plus version by email, just contact me:
Date | 17/07/2014 |
By | Ahmed |
Subject | Hi |
how to add new animals from this patch?
Date | 24/03/2014 |
By | caden |
Subject | maps |
help me get maps
Date | 02/03/2014 |
By | Billyhunter |
Subject | Trophy Hunter Plus and bagging trophies |
In Deer Hunter 2005 plus, wich is great there really is just one problem, there is no way we can view or bag elk, red deer etc. That would be really great! I also noticed a pic of '''Trophy Hunter Plus'' Does anybody now if there is an addon for Trophy Hunter 2003? :O
Date | 13/12/2015 |
By | Jorge Gabriel |
Subject | Re: Trophy Hunter Plus and bagging trophies |
I Know Why. It Was Unsuccessful Idea To Bag New Animals. You Can See In Profile of New Animals That ISTROPHIES State is In FALSE.
You Can Change it to TRUE But I'm Sure that The Game Will Crash if You Try To Look New animal in Trophy Room. To Fix this is Make New Hunter.
Well, Trophy Hunter Plus Was A Unreleased Addon Before Deer Hunter PLUS Was Made.
Date | 14/02/2014 |
By | Rex |
Subject | Keeping Trophies |
I downloaded Deer Hunter Plus, and after I finally shot an Elk with my bow I couldn't keep it as a trophy. Is there anyway to keep trophies like the bear, wolf, moose, elk etc. ??
Date | 02/03/2014 |
By | Billyhunter |
Subject | Re: Keeping Trophies |
I would like to see that to, maybe a trophy room similar too Trophy Hunter 2003? :D
Date | 12/01/2014 |
By | Tyler Drake |
Subject | Central Texas Map |
Hey there,
I REALLY want to play the "Central Texas" and "Texas Exotic Hunt" maps, but when I try to download them it says "File is private and can not be displayed". Please help? :(
Date | 02/10/2013 |
By | Blackwater |
Subject | PLUS problem |
i instaled the plus but i cant go hunt i dont have the dvd to play someone can help? i cant go hunt!
Date | 26/08/2013 |
By | MakiFartec |
Subject | Amm... Help me please |
Hello guyz. (and girls maby).
I want to install deer hunter 2005 plus. I have deer hunter 1.2 so when i downlad deer hunter plus (add-on) i get a file called DATA.001 It says that i must replace with file DATA.001 in the:
Local Disc (C:) -> Program Files -> Atari -> DeerHunter2005 -> Game.
But there is no old DATA.001 there is just Data what should i doo :O :( I´m sad please help me. -.- and give me link where i can downlad something new or .. idk