Deer Hunter Plus

DHPLUS is now here! Dedicated to our dearly departed staff members WV Wildman & Flyrod016 R.I.P.

This add-on for Deer Hunter 2005 has
NEW LOCATIONS to hunt in, NEW ANIMALS to hunt for and NEW GEAR to hunt with.
Installation is very easy. It won't change gameplay or any of your settings.
Deer Hunter 2005 maps can be played with this add-on.
Deer Hunter Plus maps featuring the new animals can be found HERE.

We will keep improving and adding features to the Deer Hunter Plus Add-on, so check back regularly for the latest version!
The latest version is version 1.0.

These files MAY NOT be added to any other web pages without the express written permission from PCHunterPlus.


Make sure you have the official 1.2 patch for Deer Hunter 2005 installed before proceeding.
Put the DATA.001 file from the WinRAR archive into the game directory on your harddrive
(usually C:\Program Files\Atari\Deer Hunter 2005\Game) replacing the original DATA.001 file.

If you want, you can make a back-up copy of this file first.
That's all, happy hunting!


To remove the Deer Hunter Plus Add-on simply readd the back-up copy of the original DATA.001 file. This file can also be downloaded  HERE .

Online games

To avoid game play errors, online games should only be joined by players who have the same version of the add-on installed as the host. Always make sure to get the latest version of the DHPLUS Add-on! We suggest you add DHPLUS to your server name when hosting a game.
Games hosted by servers that don't have the add-on installed can still be joined without problems. Just make sure to remove all new gear, etc before connecting.

Map Editor

Creating custom maps for Deer Hunter Plus is very easy.
Create the Level Profile in the normal way. Let's say you created a level called "Alberta Wildlife Range" with Whitetail, Red Tailed Hawk and Squirrel.
After applying the Level Profile but before creating the Level Pack, open the Profile.txt in your custom level directory in Notepad to add new animals from the add-on. Add the desired animal's name to the line Prey. For example to add wolf:
  Prey = Whitetail, Red Tailed Hawk, Squirrel;  becomes
  Prey = Whitetail, Red Tailed Hawk, Squirrel, Wolf;
Save the Profile.txt. Then create the Level Pack in the editor.

To make your level playable with AND without the DHPLUS Add-on change the level's name as well. For example:
  Name = Alberta Wildlife Range;  becomes
  Name = Alberta Wildlife Range Plus;
Now save the Profile.txt under a different name. For example: Profile_plus.txt
Create the Level Pack in the editor.
In the game's Locations screen there should be two new maps:
Alberta Wildlife Range  (also playable without the add-on)
Alberta Wildlife Range Plus  (only playable with the add-on)
We suggest to add "Plus" to the name of every map that features animals from the add-on.
An up-to-date list of all new animals is available  HERE .

Visit our forums for more information, if you have questions or suggestions...

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